Thursday 15 August 2024

The Agony of Joy by Red Haircrow

 TITLE: The Agony of Joy

AUTHOR: Red Haircrow


LENGTH: 337 pages

RELEASE DATE:  29th June 2024


Former model-turned-actor Adrian Lee can barely list age range 23–29 on his résumé anymore, nor stand his life of empty social events and appearances, meaningless roles, and casual partners. When he meets Alexander Skizetsky by clever arrangement of his agent, the enigmatic yet infinitely attractive Russian kindles a little light of hope in his aching heart. Yet even the beginnings of a friendship and love beyond his wildest dreams cannot stop a life spiralling out of control.

The long estrangement from his devout Irish Catholic parents and family and the dark secrets they all share combine to drive Adrian to the brink of despair, though Alexander becomes determined to stay by his side. After locking away his own memories of betrayal and loss, Lexx had decided never to love again, but something in Adrian spurs the noblest intentions in his formerly jaded heart.

Returning in pilgrimage to Alexander’s homeland, on a journey of rebirth, revelation and redemption, can they escape the ghosts of their pasts to find true love together?

NOTE: This book contains references to childhood sexual assault that might disturb some readers.


This book is extremely visual. One of the author’s greatest strengths lies in their ability to describe surroundings in vivid detail. From a small appartment, to entire cities, the characters’ world is drawn in vivid colour and it is easy to picture everything alongside the characters themselves.

Another strength is the characterisation. Each character has a unique voice and a unique viewpoint, and although that viewpoint is often awkward or flawed it is always authentic and coherent to the character. Whilst this is undoubtedly a romance first, it is also a travel guide, clearly showing the author’s love for the places they talk about and the things that can be found within the locations.

The romance itself is by no means straightforward. To say that both the characters are flawed would be an understatement for sure and this leads to a flawed and sometimes broken relationship. They stumble from one problem to the next, not always dealing with things in a neat and logical way. For the most part, this is absolutely authentic to the characters and the result of skillful storytelling, although I have to admit there were a few times when there was a certain awkwardness about the writing that was noticeable whilst not being distracting from the story. For example, the first meeting between Adrian and Lexx felt a little contrived.

I can’t honestly say that I immediately warmed to Lexx. He came across as an arrogant, rich bully. However, it didn’t take long for him to grow on me and I was soon rooting for the pair of them, even when it felt like there was no chance of a future for them.

There are some shocking moments that I honestly did not expect, but on the whole, the story is a sweet, if rocky romance between two men who are somewhat set in their ways and not really in the market for longterm love. To see their relationship deepen and blossom, even when all the petals were plucked off and they had to start again, was truly a joy.

I can absolutely recommend this book to anyone who likes their romance protagonists to have to work hard for their happy endings, especially if you are a visual reader, who likes to have the characters’ world filled with detail and colour.



JMS Books


Saturday 27 July 2024

An Apology


This post is a multi-purpose one. First, it is an apology and explanation to my fans and friends who certainly deserve one after the way I simply dropped off the face of the earth. Secondly, it is a line in the sand, me saying, "Enough is enough, it's time to be brave and rejoin the world again". Thirdly, it's a declaration of intent, and finally, it's a plea for help, something I have not historically been very good at asking for.

During the first few weeks of the Covid epidemic, I had a breakdown of sorts. I believe it was autistic burnout (If you don't know what that is, here is a good article, or for something shorter and sweeter you can look at the National Autistic Society) although it was never officially diagnosed.

Before lockdown, I was already struggling with life, particularly the demands of promoting and marketing my work. I don't take to such things naturally and I was becoming more and more stressed out. When lockdown hit, I broke. I won't go too deeply into what happened. Needless to say, there was a lot of bleach involved (not drinking it thankfully. Suicidal thoughts have never been able to intrude into the crazy, but usually pretty optimistic jumble in my head), I slept a lot and I worried my family.

I was diagnosed with anxiety in the middle of lockdown and I spent all my time either writing or gaming without emerging from my blankie for anything else other than bleaching the shopping, furniture, my hands, etc when I had to.

Since then, I have not been able to pull things all the way back. I lost most of my coping skills and became more and more withdrawn. I don't know quite how to explain it, but I became more autistic than I have ever been. I became almost pathologically afraid of social media and I haven't been able to do anything at all. At one point, I was afraid that if I so much as opened Facebook, everyone would know and would try to pull me back in, something that terrified me so much I had nightmares about it.

Trust me, if I had been able to post, comment, publish etc, I would have. I wanted to, but I was paralyzed by fear. At no point did I mean the slightest disrespect to my friends and fans, and I know you deserved at least a few words of explanation, but I didn't have it in me to give then.

Right now, my hands are shaking writing this post, because I'm nowhere near back where I  should be. However, I can't hide forever and as patient and understanding as my publishers have been, they are businesses and they deserve my effort as much as you do. Therefore, I am back, albeit in a diminished capacity.

I would like to thank my publishers, especially eXtasy who have been waiting for the third book in the Dark Fairytales series for almost three years. I promise you all that it is finally finished and all I have left to do is go through it and check that all the plot holes are closed and loose ends tied up. The manuscript will be submitted very soon and hopefully, the book will be out this year.

Anyone who has ever read my blog, or seen any of my social media, will know how much in love I am with my Enigma series, with my darling former slave, Silver, and his devoted boyfriend, River. I expanded the initial two books, to three, which my dear friend Red Haircrow published for me on Smashwords through their own publishing company Flying with RedHaircrow. Sadly, we had to take them down and they are no longer available, but the good news is that the trilogy is now a five-part series which I intend to submit in the next couple of days, so hopefully that will be something to look forward to if anyone is prepared to pick them up. I truly hope so, as they are undoubtedly the best series I have ever written.

And now the plea for help. I can't cope with the marketing/promotion. I know that. It broke me once and I know it will break me again if I try to pick it up. I need help. At the very least I need to have an in-depth consultation with someone to formulate a plan for the future, and ideally, I need someone who can give me ongoing support and/or advice. I don't have a lot of money but I have some and I'm not asking for anything for nothing. What I''m hoping for are ideas and suggestions.

In the meantime, I won't be starting up my newsletter, but I will be making an effort to post on at least one social medium every day and to this blog once a fortnight. It's not much, but it's a start. I hope you forgive me and I will try my best not to let you down again.

For the first two books in the Dark Fairytales series check out eXtasy Publishing

Willow's Way

Tay's Trials

Sunday 8 November 2020

New Release. Sweet Child of Mine by V J Allison


Hi everyone! V.J. Allison here! I’m so excited to be sharing the cover for my upcoming Stocking Stuffer, Sweet Child of Mine. The stars of my debut novel Stricken are back, and they’re about to meet someone special!


Ewan and Marti are hoping to have a quiet Christmas. Unfortunately, the universe has other plans


Sweet Child of Mine

A Feathered Tartan Short Story

By V.J. Allison


Cover Artist: Angela Waters.


In the city on the harbour, miracles happen.


It’s Christmas Eve.

Ewan and Marti Campbell are hoping to have a quiet holiday season, their first as a married couple, and the last one before their new baby arrives.

A crisis at the real estate agency tosses a huge wrench into their plans, as does the sudden onset of Marti’s labour. As Ewan fights to get home before his child appears, more crises are flung at him. If he is to make it on time to help his wife bring their baby into the world, he’ll need a miracle…

A big one.


Isn’t it gorgeous?  I am so in love with it! Angie did a wonderful job with the Stocking Stuffer covers this year. I am so pleased and lucky to be a part of that collection. I’m hoping to do another one in the future, maybe next year IF I am not up to the eyeballs in finishing the rest of the Feathered Tartan Series or the Tri-Town one. (Knowing my wonky luck, I won’t have the time!)


I hope you love the cover as much as I do. It hit the inbox at a time when I needed a smile instead of a head desk


Thanks for having me. Have a sneak peek on me!




Chapter One


Hutchinson-Campbell Real Estate, Halifax, Nova Scotia

December 24th


Ewan Campbell shoved his frameless glasses higher on his nose with his left hand and clicked on the file on his work computer with the mouse under his right hand. The gold of his identification bracelet, a gift from his parents upon his high school graduation, quietly gleamed in the overhead lights, and its links gently clattered as he shifted his hands to the keyboard in front of him.

His dark brown eyes narrowed in concentration as he studied the file contents. Their entire fiscal year was there, minus the last month. How did the statistics for December suddenly disappear from the entire network? He had saved the files himself only yesterday, before starting his vacation. It was going to be three weeks of enjoying private time with his wife of eight months, Marti, and their first Christmas as a married couple.

It was also their last Christmas before they became parents. Their first child was due around the New Year, and although Ewan was eagerly anticipating their son’s arrival, he was looking forward to some quiet time with Marti. Their lives had been so crazy lately, between his trying to wrap things up at the agency for a while, and Marti preparing to give birth. The arrival of his parents, as well as his cousins Dana and Joshua, with Joshua’s wife Sybil, hadn’t put any dents in his plans. His family was staying at the Atlantica Hotel on Quinpool Road, not far from his office, and were only at the condo during the daytime.

An image of his wife rose in his mind. Even though she was tired from carrying an extra fifteen pounds, she was still beautiful. Her big hazel eyes always had a spark of wisdom and humour, and her reddish-brown hair had become thicker and wavier in the last few months. Her extended tummy and engorged breasts enticed and aroused him. He loved feeling the baby kicking and rolling around. It had become part of their nightly ritual. After eight years apart, knowing they were finally married was still a shock to him. He had been without her for so long, and they were now expecting their first child.

He grinned as he pictured the look on Marti’s face when she told him about the baby.

“Aren’t you going to say anything, Daddy?” There was a hint of snark and so much joy in her voice. Her eyes had sparkled in the dim light from the back door of his parents’ house and there had been an almost secret knowledge behind her touch.

Damn, he was missing her a lot that morning, especially since she was entertaining his family while he was called in to work on a crisis. Unfortunately, Marti’s cousins, Miranda and Ralph, who had started the company, were not answering their phones. It was Miranda’s duty to find that damn file, not his. He was supposed to be off work. She wasn’t. She owed him big time for this one.



About the Author

V.J. Allison was born and raised in southern Nova Scotia, Canada, and her work reflects her strong Maritime roots. She is a stay-at-home mother to a son on the autism spectrum, married to the love of her life, and “mama” to a rescued Maine Coon cat named Marnie. She has been writing various stories of novel length and short stories since her school days, and sees writing as a vital component to her life.

When she isn’t writing, she loves to read romance and science fiction novels (notably Star Wars); listen to music (heavy metal, rock, alternative); watch various crime and forensic dramas; watch science fiction television shows and movies; and spend time with her large family and many friends. This self-proclaimed geeky rocker chick is a warrior and advocate for various chronic illnesses including Occipital Neuralgia, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Diabetes, Migraines, and Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia. She is also an advocate for the prevention of animal cruelty and is a voice for Autism Awareness.


WebsiteWord Processor, Romance, Cats, Kids and Creed (blog) – TwittereXtasy BooksFacebook ProfileFacebook Fan PageVJ’s VIP Lounge



Friday 30 October 2020

Today Is The Day



I use the spellings Fairy, faerie and faery interchangeably, although I believe the words can be used to denote slightly different kinds of fair folk. In Wales, we tend to not really care how we spell it because we're too busy trying to make sure they don't upset the cats.

Samhain (Halloween) has always been a special festival for me. At a time when the veil between the worlds is thin and can be crossed by those who know the paths (and those who stumble onto them), the faeries are out in force, causing all kinds of mischief.

Many Welsh myths and legends are bound up with mysteries involving the fae folk, who get involved in all kinds of shenanigans, sometimes to help, sometimes to hinder, and sometimes with murderous intent. 

No Celt with knowledge or affinity with the old ways, the old stories or the little customs that linger, would tell you that fairy tales are nice. There may be dainty fairies with gossamer wings, tiny. chubby babies sleeping in flowers, or magical animals by the dozen but they're all waiting to curdle your milk, lure you off the path to your doom, or tangle your horse's mane in the night. 

Fairy Tales are dark and twisted things, like the people who inhabit them. 

Don't get me wrong, I love Fairy Tales and I love faeries. They might not be pixie dust and daydreams, but you can always trust a faery to tell a cracking good tale - mostly lies, or at least almost incomprehensible truths.

Like our Celtic faeries, those who inhabit the pages of Willow's Way are generally not of the sleeping-in-a-pansy variety, although there are plenty of those around. Willow and his peers can be surprisingly boring and frustrating. Sometimes Tay feels it's all too much, that he simply can't bear the constant danger, the wholly unfamiliar world he finds himself and the heartwrenching pain of having been torn from the only family he knows, never to see them again. And then, sometimes he's just plain bored.

Slowly, Willow becomes more of a friend and less of a pain in the butt, while Cale becomes less of a friend and more of a monster. It's a bit much for a somewhat sheltered boy from the Valleys, but he has no choice but to press on and ride the tale to its end, no matter where that might be.

Willow's Way

Dark Fairy Tales Book 1

Sales Link

Devine Destinies


Cale always told Tay that fairy tales were dark. But they always have happy endings, right?

Taylor Preston is a normal sixteen-year-old whose biggest worries are his GCSE exams. He’s right in the middle of them, but he has a summer of fun with his parents to look forward to after. Or not.

Despite their promise to spend the summer focusing on their one and only son, Tay’s parents, Local Authority specialist foster carers, take on one more special case.

Willow’s arrival throws more than Tay’s summer into chaos. Suddenly, his best friend is possessed by a demon, his parents aren’t his parents after all, and he’s literally living a nightmare in a fairy tale world that as dark as anything Cale ever warned him about. All he has is Willow and a burning desire to save his friend before he succumbs to the demon and Willow kills him.


It was dark when they left the club. Most of the younger kids had already left, and the rest of them tumbled out into the cold, clear night. After a rowdy round of goodbyes, the four friends headed for home. Willow looked shell-shocked. Ally was still chatting away, and Tay had an idea it wasn’t helping.

Almost as soon as he stepped onto the pavement, Tay got the feeling they were being watched. He tried to look around surreptitiously, not to worry anyone else, but he couldn’t see anything.

“Do you feel it too?” Cale asked quietly, not for Ally to hear.

“Yeah. What’s going on?”

“I can’t see anything. I don’t think anyone’s following us, but I’m totally creeped out.”

“Me too.”

 “I think Willow’s feeling it too,” Cale said, nodding his head. Willow’s eyes were everywhere, his back tense as a bowstring.

“What can we do?”

“Just have to keep alert.”

They were walking past the park when Willow stopped dead and turned his head from side to side, his eyes scanning the area.

Tay glanced towards the park, and for a moment, he panicked when he saw what looked like oily black smoke rolling over the ground, reaching for them with its tendril fingers. He blinked, and when he opened his eyes, there was nothing but mist.

“I’m freaking out here. Let’s get the hell out of here.”

“Don’t need to tell me twice. Come on Willow, get a move on.”

Willow looked around once more, then nodded and started walking again. Tay saw the terrifying crawling darkness in every shadow. Black fingers reached for him from every alley, every opening. Without realizing, he walked closer to Cale.

“Do you want me to put my arm around you?”


“If you get any closer, you’ll be crawling up me. Do you want my big strong protective arm around you?”

“You wish.”

“What’s freaking you out so much?”



“Nothing, honest.”


At the corner of Tay’s street, the friends parted. None of them were hopeful they’d be able to meet up the next day. Indeed, Ally argued against it as vehemently as Lily had.

“See you Monday then,” Cale said. “Take care.”

“You too.”

Cale nodded. “Watch your back.”

“Just go home.”

Cale grinned and followed Ally, leaving Tay and Willow to trudge down the street.

* * * *

When Cale had walked Ally home, he headed back through the park. A cold wind bit into him and he shivered, pulling his jacket tighter around him. He caught movement out of the corner of his eye—something black. Freezing, he spun toward the movement. There was nothing there. Moments later, a squirrel ran up the trunk of a tree, scaring him half to death.

“You’re losing it, Bishop,” he muttered to himself, then turned back to the path. He froze again and tilted his head back, running his eyes up the column of black smoke. Somewhere near the top were two glowing red lights. They looked suspiciously like eyes. “Oh shit.”


This giveaway will be open until the end of the book tour (30th November) It's quite separate from other giveaways associated with the blog tour.

All you have to do is leave a comment. It would be lovely if you told me something about fairies, spooks or anything Halloweeny, but Hey I'm here, I see you is good enough.  It would also be great if you would take the time to sign up for my newsletter while you're here. I have to hold up my hands and confess that I've been bad at sending out my newsletter this year, but it's been a tough one in many ways and I'm hopeful I'll back on track soon. I will definitely be getting out a Christmas newsletter, with news, gossip and possibly a holiday story.

And what will be the prize, you ask? I thought about a copy of Willow's Way but that would be counterproductive because no one would buy it until the end of the month, so I'm offering a spooky, sexy alternative.

Things That Go Hump In The Night (I know, it's corny but I love it) is an anthology of five sizzling hot paranormal stories about vampires, werewolves, ghosts, angels and demons...and a very sexy cursed Fey. It is written under the name of Nephylim, which is my grown-up alter ego so you know it's going to be spicy and hot.


Thursday 29 October 2020

Tomorrow is THE DAY


Tomorrow is the day when the first book of my Young Adult fantasy series Dak Fairy Tales is released.

Willow's Way is the story of Tay, his best friend Cale and Willow, a faerie sworn to protect Tay as they trave the world of Faerie trying to find a way to save Cale from the demon possessing him before it takes him over and Willow has to kill him.

Sales Link

Devine Destinies



Cale always told Tay that fairy tales were dark. But they always have happy endings, right?

Taylor Preston is a normal sixteen-year-old whose biggest worries are his GCSE exams. He’s right in the middle of them, but he has a summer of fun with his parents to look forward to after. Or not.

Despite their promise to spend the summer focusing on their one and only son, Tay’s parents, Local Authority specialist foster carers, take on one more special case.

Willow’s arrival throws more than Tay’s summer into chaos. Suddenly, his best friend is possessed by a demon, his parents aren’t his parents after all, and he’s literally living a nightmare in a fairy tale world that as dark as anything Cale ever warned him about. All he has is Willow and a burning desire to save his friend before he succumbs to the demon and Willow kills him.

Blog Tour

A big thank you to Silver Dagger Book Tours for organising an amazing tour for me. Please take a moment to check out some (or all) of the posts and the blogs who post them. Most of these blogs are new to me and I will be checking them out with interest. It is my intention to respond to every comment made as I'd love to have the opportunity to chat to readers.

Oct 30

kickoff at Silver Dagger Book Tours

A Pinch of Bookdust

Oct 31

Never Hollowed By The Stare

Nov 1

Sadie's Spotlight

Nov 2

My Plans Are Booked


Nov 3

Renee Wildes Weblog

Character Madness and Musings

Nov 4


Westveil Publishing   

Nov 5

My Plans Are Booked

Bedazzled By Books 

Nov 6

Craving Lovely Books   

Musings From An Addicted Reader  

Nov 7

Readeropolis GUEST POST

Nov 9

Midnight Book Reader

Scrupulous Dreams

Nov 10

Love Bytes - GUEST POST

The Faerie Review 

Nov 11

The Bookshelf Fairy

Twisted Book Ramblings 

Nov 12

Stormy Nights Reviewing & Bloggin'    

The Book Dragon

Nov 13

Sapphyria's Book Reviews

Inside the Insanity GUEST POST

Nov 14

#BRVL Book Review Virginia Lee 

Nov 15

Interesting Authors | Eclectic Readers!

Nov 16

Indie Author Book Reviews   

Books a Plenty Book Reviews 

Nov 17

Literary Gold

Drako's Den

Nov 18

Books, Authors, Blogs   

Girl with Pen

Nov 19

IndiePowerd by No Sweat Graphics

Bayou Queen Book Fanatic 

Nov 20

Books all things paranormal and romance

Momma Says: To Read or Not to Read    

Nov 23

A Wonderful World of Words GUEST POST

Bayou Book Junkie

Nov 24

The Sexy Nerd 'Revue'

T's Stuff

 Nov 25

Insane Books

Nov 26

Thanksgiving Day

Nov 27

4covert2overt ☼ A Place In TheSpotlight ☼  – GUEST POST

Teatime and Books

Nov 28

❧Defining Ways 

Nov 29


Why I Can't Stop Reading

Nov 30

Valerie Ullmer | Romance Author

eBook Addicts


Don't forget to check in tomorrow for a spooky giveaway and a chance to win a copy of Willow's Way

Tuesday 27 October 2020

Countdown to Friday

This Friday (30th October) sees the release of the first of a brand new Young Adult fantasy trilogy, Willow's Way introduces us to sixteen-year-old Taylor Preston. Right in the middle of his GCSE examinations, he's looking forward to a summer of friends and family, Then, his parents take in a new foster son and his world goes to hell.

Willow doesn't speak and is downright weird. Tay has no idea just how weird until, one day, he speaks and Tay's world crumbles. 

Lost in a new world, where the one he thought he knew is turned on its head, Tay must fight to save his best friend, Cale, who is possessed by a demon and a target for everyone with a knife or a sword in their hands. Even Willow who is supposed to be Tay's protector would kill Cale if he had the chance. Tay will not allow it and stubbornly holds out hope, against all the odds, that the mysterious Enchantress will have a way to save Cale before his time runs out and the demon takes him over entirely.

From the heart of the Welsh Valleys to The Kingdom in the heart of Faerie, Tay comes to face with the strangest things, some of which are scary, some delightful, and some that might well kill him before he even has a chance to meet his real mother. 

With Willow at his side, he must brave the worst that Faerie has to throw at him and take a journey that no Welsh schoolboy has ever dreamed of. Tay's lost, and his only chance is to follow Willow's Way.

In this first book of the series, LGBT themes are discussed in a general way. In later books, this will be taken further and gay relationships will develop. However, as a Young Adult book, all physical contact will be appropriate according to Tay's age.

Keep watching for more information and a spooky gievaway on Friday.

Saturday 10 October 2020

NEW RELEASE - Shifting Chaos by Elizabeth Noble



Now in Kindle Unlimited

We aren't a we without all of us.

Chaos reigns in The Sleepless City and it’s really beginning to piss Detective Jonas Forge off.

He’s separated from his soulmate, Blair Turner. A separation he fears might be permanent. Nothing is going right. It’s as if the universe is conspiring against him. A long closed off door buried deep within his psyche cracks open when a turn of events flips his world upside down. There’s a monster behind that door and he’s not sure where the monster leaves off and he begins.

Hallucinations grip the town and demons lurk around every corner, causing havoc and threatening to tear the family in Boggs’s Castle to shreds. The only way forward is to bare all to each other. While Forge and Declan confront horrors from their shared past, they all learn a terrible truth about vampires—one not even imagined in their worst nightmare.

Can they control a monster to defeat a demon?

If you like imperfect heroes with tarnished pasts who don’t know how to quit, then you’ll love Shifting Chaos by Elizabeth Noble, the action-packed, emotional conclusion to The Sleepless City.

Author's note: This book was originally published in 2015. It has been rewritten with new chapters and scenes and re-edited. 


Author Bio

Mystery, action, chills, and thrills spiced with romance and desire. ELIZABETH NOBLE lives by the adage "I can't not write." She doesn't remember a time when she didn’t make up stories and eventually she learned how to put words on a page. Those words turned into books and fan fiction that turned into a genuine love of M/M fiction. A part of every day is spent living in worlds she created that are filled with intrigue and espionage. She has a real love for a good mystery complete with murder and twisty plots as well as all things sci-fi, futuristic, and supernatural.


When she's not chronicling the adventures of her many characters, Elizabeth is a veterinary nurse living in her native Cleveland, Ohio. She has three grown children and now happily shares her little, brick house with a spunky Cardigan Welsh Corgi and his sidekick, tabby cat. Elizabeth is a fan of baseball, basketball (go Cavs and Cleveland Baseball) and gardening. She can often be found working in her 'outside office' listening to classic rock and plotter her next novel waiting for it to be dark enough to gaze at the stars.


Elizabeth has received a number of amateur writing awards. Since being published, several of her novels have received Honorable Mentions in the Rainbow Awards. Jewel Cave was a runner-up in the Gay Mystery/Thriller category in the 2015 Rainbow Awards. Ringed Love was a winner in the Gay Fantasy Romance category of the 2016 Rainbow Awards.  



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